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The discovery of the first genetically modified tomato in the world


Sanatech Seed unveiled the world's first genetically modified tomato that was edited by the award-winning CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technology. Nobel in chemistry last year. The Japanese start-up behind the launch of the world's first genomically modified tomatoes for direct consumption says the variety is the first of several it plans to develop with enhanced nutritional benefits.

Sicilian red high jungle

The company's Red Sicilian High GABA tomato variety has been modified using the latest gene-editing technology known as CRISPR-Cas9, and contains high levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an amino acid believed to be present. It helps relax and helps lower blood pressure.

And GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system in mammals. It plays an important role in reducing the excitability of neurons throughout the nervous system. It is also directly responsible for regulating muscles in humans.

According to a report by Eurofruit magazine, according to Shimbe Takeshita, president of Sanatec Syed and chief innovation officer at Pioneer Eco-Science, the exclusive distributor of genetically modified tomatoes, it contains 4 to 5 times GABA Read More From ordinary tomatoes.

Takeshita explained that the tomato variety and forest were chosen due to the high level of consumer acceptance. He explained that the tomato variety is popular and that consumers are already used to buying other products with high GABA content, "so we felt it was important to introduce them to this technology in a way that was already familiar to them.

Simpler technology, less data

In a press release on Japanese modified tomatoes, the International Seed Federation said it welcomes the introduction, and that it is an important step in implementing the Japanese policy on genome editing, providing opportunities for the seed sector to continue its efforts in plant breeding innovations to contribute to sustainable food systems.

According to a statement by the chief technologist at Sanatec, Mr. Dr. Hiroshi Izora, quoted by the Euro Fruit website, the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technology is simpler and easier to handle than other gene-editing techniques, making it ideal for developing crops with similar properties. Improved nutritional value.

The rules in Japan allow products developed with gene editing to be sold subject to the necessary approval from regulatory agencies.

Isora said, although GMOs need to provide a lot of data in order to obtain regulatory approval by the government, with gene editing they still need to notify the government, but the amount of data that you have to produce is much less," Isora explained.

Consumer gain

Sanatik Syed plans to introduce the new tomato variety to consumers for home gardening.

Takeshita said, seedlings will be distributed free of charge to home gardeners, and if people like the product, it is hoped that they will share their experiences and help spread it. We have opened a campaign on our website to invite people to join, and so far we have 5,000 applicants, each of whom will be given 5 seedlings to grow. We are not in a hurry to introduce tomatoes commercially, the important thing is to win the consumer.

Isora said tomatoes have been genomically edited to help relax and reduce blood pressure, which will help farmers and marketers, as Sanatec Syed has access to a total of 25 commercial hybrid tomato varieties under its agreement with Pioneer Ecosense.

It is noteworthy that tomatoes are among the most cultivated and consumed vegetables in the world, and they contain higher levels of GABA compared to other major crops, and increasing these levels can enhance the blood pressure-lowering function of these tomatoes. A real alternative to treat high blood pressure patients soon.

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