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Spain: All about the ITV sticker: Why does it have several colors? Do you have to wear it?

ITV sticker
ITV sticker

When the ITV is completed, the inspector issues a sticker to the individual who attended, which must be displayed. On automobiles, it is located in the top left corner of the front glass, while on other vehicles, it is visible. Failure to do so is considered a minor offense and might result in a 100-euro fine with no points deducted.

ITV in force

Because this sticker is regarded as an official document, any tampering is forbidden and can result in significant penalties and possibly having to go before a court because it is a crime. According to reports from the Association Spanish Association of Collaborating Entities of the Administration in the Technical Inspection of Vehicles, AECA, it is a sign that bears the designation V-19 and allows the authorities to know, at a glance, if the vehicle has the ITV in effect.

This identifier is not the same color as the previous one. The backdrop can have one of three colors: yellow, red, or green. Indicates the year in which the ITV's term ends, allowing authorities to swiftly determine whether or not the technical inspection is in effect. The calendar is put up in the following order: yellow first, then red, and finally green.

Each one is associated with a specific year. Yellow stickers, for example, correspond to ITVs that expire in 2023, 2026, 2029, and so on. The red ones expired in 2021 and will expire in 2024, 2027, and 2030... whereas the green ones will expire in 2022, 2025, 2028, and 2031.

What information does the ITV sticker give?

The label also provides additional information, such as the year the ITV expires, which is shown by the last two numbers. There are also some Roman numerals that show the month of expiration, which is perforated before the inspector delivers it. The ITV station number that performed the inspection, as well as the shield of the autonomous community in which it is located, are also recognized.

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