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Myths about the Pleiadians and Why do Pleiadians visit planet Earth?


While we are learning about the many types of aliens that have been alleged to exist, one species is the Pleiadians, sometimes known as "Nordic aliens." What exactly are the Pleiadians, and what do they have with Earth?

Subaru is the Japanese name for "Pleiades," and the company's emblem, an oval with six four-point stars, is a representation of the Pleiades star cluster. The name also means "united," which is appropriate given that the Subaru firm was created by the amalgamation of five enterprises. Michael Salla, Ph.D., a UFO researcher, believes that off-world creatures from the Pleiades star cluster are distant cousins to humanity. According to Salla, the Pleiadians are compelled to interact with humans out of worry for the future of the planet.

Many people think that the Pleiadians are descended from a species known as the Lyrans, who may have originated on the planet Vega or Planet Erra. However, no one appears to be certain of this. It's possible that the Lyrans and Pleiadians have a lengthy history together. Others appear to use the two species interchangeably. It is also thought that the Pleiadians have a direct relationship with humans, for example, that we are both descended from Lyrans and hence "brother" species of some type. Certain individuals think that some (perhaps Native American) humans are derived from Pleiadians who may have visited Earth in the past. Cherokee tales claim that Native Americans started long ago in the Pleiades and that indigenous peoples are here as "star seeds" with the task of giving light and wisdom. The Pleiadian star cluster is known as the "Sparkling Suns" by the Navajo, and the Iroquois pray to it for happiness. The Lakota/Dakota people claim to have ancestry from the Pleiades constellation.

From a spiritual standpoint, it is usually assumed that the Pleiadians have advanced far beyond us. They appear to be kind, friendly, and protective spirits with psychic abilities. Barbara Marciniak (Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians) is a well-known trance channeler who speaks for a group known as The Pleiadians. The purpose of the organization, which describes itself as a "collection of multidimensional spirit beings from the Pleiades star system," is to "help mankind with the process of spiritual evolution."

It is also worth noting that President Eisenhower allegedly met with several Nordic aliens in person at Edwards Air Force Base in February 1954. The aliens, it appears, sought to encourage mankind toward nuclear disarmament by providing us with a technological gift.

Ancient Greek Cosmology

The Pleiades were the seven daughters of the pre-Olympic Titan Atlas and a nymph named Pleione. The Pleiades, names Maia, Electra, Alcyone, Taygete, Celaeno, Merope, and Asterope in Greek mythology, were dedicated to Artemis, the Greek goddess of the moon and the hunt. Zeus killed Orion the Hunter, the scorpion, and placed them in the sky. Orion saw the seven sisters and went out to catch them before his death. Zeus, moved by their misery, transformed them into stars and set them in heaven.

Zeus and the mortal Orion enraged Artemis. She persuaded Zeus to send a huge scorpion to sting Orion the hunter, who perished as a result of the stings. After his death, Zeus placed Orion in the sky, always pursuing the sisters and fleeing the scorpion or Scorpio constellation. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the cluster was also employed by the ancient Mediterraneans to signify the start and end of the sailing season. The cluster is mentioned in Homer's Odyssey and Iliad as a signal marking the start of the sowing season in May. Another Greek epic poet, Hesiod, mentioned the Pleiades in his work Theogony.

Ancient History

The history of the interaction and contact between Pleiadians and humans differs depending on who tells the narrative, but there is a similar theme of former cohabitation on Earth. "Around 225,000 B.C., the Pleiadians found a minor solar system with a planet called Earth on one of their reconnaissance excursions away from the Pleiades. They discovered three tribes of uncivilized people living on Earth. The bigger of these tribes were light-skinned and descended from Lyrans. Because of their cruelty towards the original brown-skinned natives, the Lyrans were obliged to stay on Earth and embark on an incarnational cycle. This was their karma. The Pleiadians opted to stay and establish communities on Earth at this time.

Many of humanity's advancements during this transitory era might be traced in part to the Pleiadians' assistance. Perhaps the Pleiadians were misidentified as other people, or they were regarded as gods. In other circumstances, Pleiadians may have been regarded as both humans and gods.

Hermeticism Traditions

The seven stars, according to Hermetic traditions, lead searchers to a higher degree of awareness. Hermeticists regard it as a "school of learning" for people who have been cleansed of energy blockages to the subtle body. The invitation to and initiation into the Pleiadian wisdom teachings occur spontaneously during profound meditation or sleep. The Pleiades are also thought to be the source of electrical energy in our solar system, thanks to the small sister star Electra.

Nebra Disk

The Nebra Disk, discovered in 1999 by treasure seekers in the German state of Saxony-Anhalt, depicts a star cluster with the moon and sun estimated to be 1600 BCE, scholars believe it was a portable astronomy device. The relic is the Western world's first known depiction of the Pleiades star cluster.


The Autumn solstice and Winter equinox were connected with sadness and mourning in Bronze Age Europe. The Pleiades would rise in the east as the sunset in the west at the solstice, thus the relationship with grief and the passing of summer, as well as the harvest season.

Scandinavian Viking

The Pleiades were regarded as Freyja's chicks by Scandinavian and Viking civilizations, Freya being the Norse goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. Some people would paint seven dots on hen houses to signify the seven stars as a form of protection. Ladybugs were linked to the cluster because of the seven dots on their wings.

Asian Cosmologies

The star cluster was originally mentioned in the Chinese Annals about 2350 BC and was known as the Blossom Stars or Flower Stars. The enormous Xiaoling Mausoleum is the mausoleum complex of the Hongwu Emperor, the Ming Dynasty's founder. When viewed from the air, the tomb complex near Nanjing in Eastern China echoes the arrangement of the visible Pleiadian stars. This geoformation, according to author Wayne Herschel, is a star map. The mausoleum, known as the "treasure mound," is supposed to store "vast cosmic mysteries beyond gold riches."

According to legend, Amaterasu, the Japanese sun goddess, had a dispute with her brother Susanowo, the personification of natural strength. She hid in a cave because she was terrified. The world fell dark, and her jewels were hung from a sacred tree nearby to tempt her back out. Eventually, she left the cave and returned to the sky, nourishing the land once more with her light. The Subaru, or Pleiades cluster, was connected with Amaterasu's gems. The narrative is a metaphor; much as the sun sets low in the sky in winter, the Subaru'jewels' serve as a reminder that the light will rise again in April.

According to Hindu myth, the seven sisters, known as the Krrtika, were married to the Rishis, the seven sages who comprised the Great Dipper's stars. All of them lived blissfully together in the northern sky. Agni, the deity of fire, fell in love with the Krrtika one day. He knew they belonged to the Rishis, so he traveled into the forest, attempting to forget them. But the little goddess Svahi, personified by the star Zeta Reticuli, fell in love with Agni. She disguised herself as the Krrtika and presented herself to him, believing he had gained the wives of the Rishis. Svaha fell pregnant, and when her kid was born, rumors arose that the baby's mother was one of the Rishis' wives (s). When the seven Rishis found out, they divorced their wives, save for Arundhati (the star Alcor), who refused to leave her husband. The other six wives became Pleiadian stars. The Krittika, or Pleiades, rules the degrees of 26 Aries to 10 Taurus in Vedic astrology. A person born under the influence of the sisters is believed to be fiery, warlike, and daring. The indigenous have a genuinely caring character and strong capacities to help others despite their hostile demeanor.

Native American

A Cherokee legend speaks of seven boys who spent the entire day playing a game called gatayu'sti using rolling stones and sticks. They ignored their responsibilities, such as weeding the gardens. Despite their moms' nagging, one day they served the boys cooked gatayu'sti stones for dinner instead of maize. Angry, the youths began to dance and plead to the spirits for assistance. Their mothers eventually spotted them dancing, but with each circle, the boys danced, they floated higher off the ground. The moms raced to save their sons, but it was too late; the lads were now out of reach. The lads eventually climbed into the skies and became the Pleiades star cluster, which the Cherokee still refer to as Ani'tsutsa (the boys).

"The Iroquois, Delaware, Carrier, Inuit, Haida, Salish, Paiute, Wiyot, Shasta, Luiseo, Chumash, Zuni, Cheyenne, and Blackfoot have all called the brilliant collection [Pleiades cluster]," according to an article in Indian Country Today. The slightly elusive aspect of the cluster is significantly obvious when examined with peripheral vision rather than staring directly at the grouping. The author tells the narrative of the Grizzly Sisters and the Deer Sisters, based on folklore from the California Sierra and Paiute tribes (Pleiades). "Grizzly mother ate Deer mother one day." In retaliation, the Deer sisters trapped the Grizzly sisters in a cave."

The midwestern Dakota thought that the cluster was the Tiyami, the house of the ancestors and that when we died, we went to live in the Pleiades. One well-known fable has a bear pursuing seven maidens. The girls prayed to the gods, and they replied by lifting the earth beneath their feet into the air. The enraged bear clawed at the ground, leaving claw marks, but eventually gave up and fled. The maidens were transformed into stars and placed in the sky for eternal safety, and the location where they stood is today known as Wyoming's "Devil's Tower," complete with massive vertical striations purported to represent bear claw marks.


Some think that the Pleiadians decided to leave around 10 AD, but not before bestowing an extraterrestrial spiritual leader to Earth, whom they named Jmmanuel. As you might expect, we ended up dubbing Jmmanuel "Jesus." This might explain why Jesus seems white in so many portrayals of the figure. However, it is far more likely that this just reflects white Christians' racial preconceptions in today's environment.

Regardless, the Pleiades have been central to numerous myths throughout the world, including those of the Greeks, Scandinavians, Indigenous North Americans, and others. Indeed, the more recent belief in Nordic aliens may be part of the same myth cycle.


What about the future, though? Will the Pleiadians ever appear again? Have they abandoned us here to rot permanently, or will they return for us when the time is right? Most believers anticipate an interplanetary family reunion in the future when we have grown up and are ready to "leave the nest" with our Space Brothers. Unfortunately, according to certain versions of the narrative, it was already scheduled to happen.

Does this imply that the Nordic aliens do not exist?

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