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Here's how to connect the second monitor to your computer?

The secondary screen gives the user more space to view their work and increases their productivity. Therefore, the secondary screen is an indispensable tool for anyone who works in editing or even wants to monitor more than one thing at the same time. The methods of connecting the secondary screen to the computer have evolved from the past, as you need to connect these screens using many connections. Here are a set of ways to help you connect the second monitor to your computer.

Splashtop Wired XDisplay

This app turns your iPad into a secondary screen for Windows or Mac, even though your Mac has Sidecar built-in by default. You can use the app very easily as all you need to do is install it on your computer, and then connect it to your iPad that also has the app installed. The app also works with Android devices, so you can use your Android tablet as a secondary screen via this app.

Duet Display

This application turns your iPad screen into a secondary screen for any Windows or Mac computer. It comes from an Apple developer who worked on SideCar, so you can expect higher performance than any other app.

Using Chromecast

You can use a Chromecast device so you can wirelessly connect any old or new TV screen to your computer. Where you can display any desktop from your Windows device to the screen connected to the Chromecast device directly and wirelessly. However, this method displays a copy of the main screen on the secondary screen you are using, which is different from using two screens together. You can move one page or one application to the additional screen so that you can use it with more than one application.

Apple Sidecar feature

After Apple announced Unified Device Control, Sidecar is the perfect way to get a secondary display without wired it up. This method allows the iPad screen to function as a complete secondary screen separate from the main screen.

Typical wired connection for computers

You can connect more than one monitor through wires, but the computer must support this feature at first.

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